Tagged: brain fog

Understanding Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmunity happens when your immune system mistakenly targets and damages your own tissues, treating them like intruders. Often, autoimmune conditions start silently—meaning damage occurs before you even notice any symptoms.

There are over 80 identified autoimmune diseases, affecting 1 in 5 people, with the majority being women. In some cases, symptoms can persist for years or even decades before a diagnosis is made. Be on the lookout for signs such as:

  • Chronic pain
  • Brain fog
  • Persistent fatigue
  • Digestive issues
  • Hair loss
  • Unexplained weight changes

Functional Medicine Solutions

The good news? Functional medicine can help! With advanced lab testing, we can screen for autoimmunity and provide personalized guidance, including an anti-inflammatory diet, balanced blood sugar strategies, gut healing protocols, toxin reduction, and stress management.

These steps not only help prevent autoimmune diseases but also manage symptoms and address the root causes of your health concerns. Curious about how we can support your journey to better health? Contact our functional medicine team today!

Nutrition for Hormonal Issues

There are a wide array of hormonal issues in both women and men. Adolescents are notorious for struggling, only to have their symptoms masked and usually worsen later in life. Unaddressed problems typically get worse over time and show up as a tougher menopause, enlarged prostate, or cancer in the worst case scenario. While thyroid issues are one type of hormonal problem, sex hormones are a completely different issue. Hormones are very complex and the right comprehensive testing is warranted to get to the root of the problem and overcome it for good.

There are a wide array of hormonal issues in both women and men. 

Heavy or irregular periods are one hormone issue that most women suffer with during their menstruating years. This is not normal or healthy. Masking it with the birth control pill only ignores the issue until it screams at you even louder with a more life-threatening issue, such as severe endometriosis, fibroids, or cancer, needing surgery and more pharmaceuticals later. Masking the pain ignores the problem and understanding what is going on is the first step to getting help. A comprehensive evaluation with our experts will determine what type of treatment you will need and how long it will take. Each and every case is unique. Since health insurance covers pharmaceuticals and surgeries, prevention and overcoming these issues for good is not deemed medically necessary by most pharma-funded insurance plans. We know it is necessary to help you achieve health, not managed sickness, so getting access to our care is made affordable for those that cannot pay up front for our much-sought after services.

Hot flashes, weight issues, brain fog, difficulty sleeping and low libido are common symptoms of menopause or perimenopause (the time around menopause where you still may be menstruating). These are not things you should just suffer with or take a synthetic pill to mask if you truly want to be healthy, not appear healthy. We believe giving a pill that comes with side effects or dangerous future consequences should not be the first line of defense. We work with you on your diet, lifesytle, and nutriceuticals (herbs, vitamins, minerals) that can help you to overcome these issues and prevent future ones!

Men suffer menopause, also, hence the word “men” in the word! Low testosterone is not the only thing they may face. Giving hormones is not always the answer as sometimes the body gets lazy and will need more and more of it, like any drug, to get a “hit”. We believe correcting the underlying issue after comprehensive labs are run is the key to long-lasting success.

Book a consultation today so we can learn more about what’s going on and help you to THRIVE, not just survive. You deserve to live your best life with your loved ones!

Is Autoimmunity Causing Your Strange and Chronic Symptoms?

Autoimmune diseases are one of the most common illnesses today – and you might not even know you have one!

Autoimmunity is when your immune system starts attacking your own tissue, and it can happen anywhere in the body. Typically, it comes along with symptoms like inflammation, but sometimes it can be “silent” and not have any outward symptoms at all. Autoimmune disease is more common than cancer and heart disease combined, and that’s just the diagnosed cases. Many, if not most, cases of autoimmunity are happening without a diagnosis. This is because conventional medicine often does not screen for autoimmunity until symptoms are advanced and severe.

People can also have symptoms that suggest many types of autoimmunity. Although symptoms vary depending on which tissue is being attacked, many autoimmune sufferers experience:

  • chronic fatigue
  • chronic pain
  • declining brain function
  • gastrointestinal issues
  • hair loss
  • weight gain or weight loss
  • brain fog
  • and more!

Fortunately, functional medicine offers lab testing that can screen for autoimmunity against a number of different tissues. We also use strategies such as an anti-inflammatory diet, blood sugar stabilizing, gut healing, addressing toxins, and lifestyle habits that minimize stress and inflammation.

Ask our office if autoimmunity may be causing your strange and chronic symptoms – we can help!

Functional Medicine Labs – How are they Different?

Functional medicine labs are very different than traditional ones. Insurance doesn’t feel the thoroughness functional medicine providers give is medically necessary, but we know it is! Spending time with you is critical and thorough investigations with more comprehensive testing is crucial to you having success to your complex issues. More in-depth analyses are performed with our team to find the root cause and monitor improvements of things that modern medicine doesn’t address long-term, like brain fog, fatigue, low energy, chronic pain, autoimmune issues, cancer, hormone issues, stubborn weight loss, and more. We avoid quick fixes and focus on lifestyles that last with more comprehensive analyses to help you thrive. Book now to learn more.

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