Year: 2024

Nutrition for Cancer

Proper nutrition during cancer treatment is vital for retaining strength and energy. Trying your best to fuel your body with nutrient-dense foods can help ease the effects of treatment and fight infection. However, your diet regimen might look different before, during, and after treatment, and you may have varying appetite levels. Our team here at Holistic Wholeness is here to support you throughout this time and develop your individualized plan based on your type of cancer and treatment.

Each person is different, but our nutritional plans for cancer patients focus on:

Eating the Right Amount of Calories For You

40% of patients report noticeable weight loss after they are first diagnosed with cancer. Losing weight is also very prevalent during treatment. Getting enough calories throughout the day supports you with the energy you need to help fight this disease and reduce the side effects of treatment. If you need to avoid weight loss during treatment, try implementing healthy snacks between meals and eating calorically dense recipes.

Some individuals who are obese may need to lose weight for their treatment. It is most beneficial to lose weight sustainably in these circumstances to keep up your stamina. Whether you need to be in a caloric surplus or deficit, we will develop a specialized nutritional plan to give you the strength you need.

Comprehensive testing to uncover the root causes and contributing factors to your health issues is a critical part of our plan to help prevent recurrences and to maximize quality of life

Eating Plant-Based Foods

The American Cancer Society suggests implementing more plant-based foods into your regimen to avoid extra inflammation in your body. When you consume plants, they produce phytochemicals that can protect cells from damage and reduce inflammation.

The Importance of Protein

Protein is the macronutrient that our bodies need for maintaining, repairing, and growing muscles and connective tissues. Losing muscle or muscle wasting is a common side effect of cancer and treatment. Ensuring that you are getting enough exercise and protein in your diet each day reduces the risk of losing muscle and keeping a healthy weight. The rule of thumb for the amount of protein that is sufficient is .8 grams per kilogram of bodyweight (1kilogram = 2.2 pounds). However, each patient is different, and our team will develop a specific regimen to ensure you’re getting an adequate amount of protein-based on the type of cancer and treatment.

Your program is individualized, so there is no cookie-cutter approach to eating for all individuals. Comprehensive testing to uncover the root causes and contributing factors to your health issues is a critical part of our plan to help prevent recurrences and to maximize quality of life. Call our office for a consultation to go over an individualized nutritional plan that works best with your type of cancer and treatment. Our team is here to support you throughout this process!

Functional Nutrition for Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease is one of the most common vector-borne diseases in our country. Around 300,000 individuals are diagnosed with Lyme Disease each year in the United States alone! This chronic disease is transferred by infected black-legged ticks carrying the bacteria Borrelia mayonii. If caught early, Lyme Disease may respond with oral antibiotics. However, those who experience chronic Lyme Disease suffer from a wide range of symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain, and neurological issues. In these cases, lifestyle habit changes are best to alleviate discomfort.

Dietary changes can help ease chronic Lyme Disease symptoms and supply you with lasting energy. The Holistic Wholeness Team provides practice members with an individualized nutritional plan to boost immunity and reduce inflammation.

To expedite the patient’s healing process, some of the recommendations we cover in our nutrition plans may include:

Anti-inflammatory Foods

Reducing foods that trigger inflammation in your diet is the first step on the path to restoring health. Common inflammation-causing foods include:

  • Gluten: bread, baked goods, beer
  • Dairy: ice cream, milk, yogurt, cheese
  • Processed Foods: chips, fast food, deli meats
  • Refined Sugar: sodas/juices, cereals, candies, processed snack foods

Replace these culprits with anti-inflammatory foods packed with nutrition. Add antioxidant-packed berries, fatty fish, creamy avocados, and selenium-rich mushrooms into your diet! In addition, our team recommends seasoning meals with turmeric and cracked black pepper for extra detoxification.

Borrelia mayonii brings inflammation into the body. So when you regulate what you eat, you can ease your symptoms.

Immunity Boosters

Those with Lyme disease need to keep their immune system strong. Supply your body with foods that support healthy gut flora. A balanced microbiome can lead to decreased inflammation and increased energy. Fermented foods and a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and legumes feed a healthy and happy gut.

Fueling Energy

The in-depth analyses we use find signs and symptoms of chronic Lyme and their co-infections that can mimic Lyme

Fogginess, fatigue, and cognitive impairment are common side effects of Lyme Disease. Individuals should be sure that they are eating enough calories throughout the day to supply them with the strength they need. Foods with Omega-3 Fatty Acids like wild salmon are a great source of clean energy. Our team may recommend that you pair your salmon with a complex carb like sweet potatoes to provide you with steady energy throughout your day.

Treating Lyme Disease early with oral antibiotics can be beneficial for some individuals to avoid permanent symptoms. When this isn’t an option or is ineffective, lifestyle changes and good nutrition can balance inflammation in the body. Functional testing is crucial to uncover if Lyme disease is truly present as not everyone sees a tick or bulls-eye rash. Chronic Lyme is the most common type of Lyme that we see because it often does not show up on a traditional Lyme lab. The in-depth analyses we use find signs and symptoms of chronic Lyme and their co-infections that can mimic Lyme. Schedule a consultation with us today to relieve symptoms of chronic Lyme disease naturally!

At Holistic Wholeness Institute we relieve symptoms of chronic Lyme disease naturally!

Fiber: The Unsung Hero of our Diets!

Let’s give a shout-out to fiber, the unsung hero of our diets!

Here are some ways it helps your body thrive:

  • Fiber keeps your digestive system in check, preventing constipation and promoting regularity. Say goodbye to tummy troubles!
  • Fiber helps control appetite and can aid in maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Fiber slows down the absorption of sugar, helping to keep blood sugar levels steady. It’s a crucial ally in managing diabetes.
  • Fiber is like a heart’s best friend. It can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Your gut loves fiber! It feeds beneficial gut bacteria, promoting a healthy microbiome.
  • Fiber may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer and other digestive disorders. Your colon says thanks!
  • It aids in toxin removal by keeping things moving smoothly through your digestive tract.

Remember to include plenty of fiber-rich foods in your diet like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Get in touch with our team for a comprehensive nutrition plan that ensures your gut is happy and healthy.

A bowl of whole-grain cereal beside a glass of orange juice, a glass of milk, a spoon, and a plate with a grapefruit half on a wooden table.

Nutrition for Athletes

As an athlete, you will do whatever it takes to perform your best. You excel because you do what others don’t. Going the extra mile in your nutrition can get you that one sliver of advantage amongst your competition. Sports nutrition can be confusing- especially with all of the fad diets out there! Athletes should prioritize a balanced diet that includes a proportional amount of macronutrients and micronutrients. When you work with our Nutritional Team at Holistic Wholeness, we help you understand which foods to prioritize and what times of day to eat them to perform at your best.

Our nutritional plans for athletes center around determining your:

Macro Nutrients

Our team at the Holistic Wholeness Institute will help you determine how much proteins, carbs, and fats you need as an individual to improve at your sport.

Protein: As an athlete, it’s common to hear about emphasizing protein in your meals. This is because proteins are the building blocks of muscle tissue. When you work out, you create tiny tears in your muscles. By consuming protein, you are aiding in the recovery and growth of the tissue. It is essential to know how much protein to have for each individual because if you overeat this macronutrient, it can have adverse effects on your health. Foods in this category include lean meats, fish, legumes, nuts, seeds, and eggs.

Carbs: Carbs may be recommended as an athlete’s most significant source of calories because they provide you with sufficient energy. This macronutrient can be the gas tank to fuel your exercise. We will focus on two types of carbs: simple and complex. One should eat simple carbs such as fruit or brown rice cakes before or after their training sessions for quick energy. Complex carbs such as yams, quinoa, whole grains, and oatmeal can be eaten with meals and snacks for energy to sustain you throughout your day.

Fats: Fats are the third macronutrient that is vital for your energy. Consuming fats keep you full for long periods, protects your organs, and supports cell growth. It is recommended for athletes to have 20-35% of their daily caloric needs be fats. Foods that contain healthy fats are avocados, eggs, oily fish, and unrefined oils. Be sure to steer clear of trans fats and heavily saturated fats!

Nutrient Timing

Pre Workout Nutrition
You will need proper nourishment to give your all in your training sessions. Protein and carbs are key to keep you full and provide you with energy. It’s recommended to eat 1-3 hours before your workouts so you can properly digest your food. An almond-butter banana sandwich, oatmeal, or chocolate chip energy bites may be great options for fueling your engine!

Post Workout Nutrition
Within an hour after your workout, you will need to prioritize simple carbs and proteins. It is imperative to eat simple carbs because they digest quickly and supply your body with immediate energy. In addition, the protein you eat will repair the muscle you tore in your training. A delicious post-workout snack could be a smoothie with plant-based protein powder, bananas, and berries! Top it off with some homemade protein granola for crunch!

There is a famous quote, “You can’t out-train a bad diet!” But understanding what, when, and how much to eat will give you that competitive edge you need for your sport! Our team at the Holistic Wholeness Institute is here to provide you with what you need to sustain your active body. Schedule a consultation with us today to get started on your nutrition plan as an athlete!

Functional Nutrition for Leaky Gut

Your chronic stomach issues, bloating, mental fogginess, and skin issues are not normal! Leaky gut or intestinal permeability is a newly researched condition that doctors often look over. Unfortunately, this syndrome is precisely how its name describes it: the intestinal lining has cracks and large holes, letting bacteria and other toxins into our gut, causing inflammation, fibromyalgia, mental health problems, and arthritis.

Our Holistic Wholeness Nutritional Team will uncover what is causing inflammation and disruption of gut flora.

What causes a leaky gut? Researchers believe that leaky gut is induced by our Standard American Diet (SAD). The greasy meats, processed sugars, and heavy fats inflame the gut causing this disruption. In addition, other factors are reported to disrupt our intestinal linings, such as heavy alcohol use and genetics. Those who have undergone radiation or chemotherapy in the past can also be prone to this condition.

Our Holistic Wholeness Nutritional Team will uncover what is causing this inflammation and disruption of gut flora. We will then reintroduce foods back into your system to see what exactly is triggering your leaky gut. Each person is different in terms of which foods bother them, but the most common foods that cause intestinal permeability are:

  • Gluten Products: Bread, pasta, baked goods, oats, barley, rye, cereal
  • Alcohol Products: Leaky gut is very common in those who drink excessive amounts of alcohol. Patients should replace their evening beverages with flavored water or low sugar kombucha.
  • Processed and Cured Meats: Bacon, deli meat, hot dogs, and fast food meats are culprits of inflammation in the body.
  • Dairy Products: Milk, ice cream, cheese, and yogurt react poorly with many individuals gut bacteria
  • Processed Foods: Chips, sweets, fast foods, sugary drinks/ juices, sauces, and salad dressings are just a few of the many processed foods available to us today. However, you don’t have to give up your favorite foods completely! There are many healthy alternatives to your favorite foods, such as healthy banana pancakes and air-fried potato chips!
  • Refined Oils: These are the oils that have been treated with chemicals such as acid or have been bleached. Examples of these oils include vegetable, canola, peanut, and soybean. Instead, opt for cooking with extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil!

When your diet is clean, you will start to see an improved quality of life. Our team will work with you beyond your nutritional needs to get your body back to normal. We conduct functional testing which helps identify the things causing your leaky gut. We will evaluate other health factors, such as stress, sleep, and exercise, to help determine these issues’ root cause. Schedule a consultation with us today to get started on your path to a healthy gut again!

Functional Nutrition for Allergies

Allergies are a common condition that can have a variety of side effects depending on the person. The reaction occurs when your body responds to a foreign substance that it doesn’t know how to handle. It releases antibodies to fight this substance which causes you to react. There is a wide range of allergies, such as seasonal, food, and drug. People have different responses to these sensitivities as well.

Our Nutrition Team at Holistic Wholeness Institute helps individuals with allergies alleviate their symptoms naturally with food and lifestyle habits. First, we take a look at what you are currently eating, and then we understand which foods are causing you to have a reaction, so we know to limit them. We use both in vivo (real-life) and in vitro functional lab tests) to figure out the right diet for your unique makeup. We also will implement more symptom-fighting superfoods into your diet!

Here are some of the common types of allergies we specialize in and an overview of how we tackle them:

Seasonal Allergies

Treating your seasonal allergies each year with over-the-counter medication can cause drowsiness and increase blood pressure. However, by implementing nutritional changes to your diet year-round, you can decrease your reactions to irritants. The Holistic Wholeness Institute’s goal is to keep our clients at a stable, healthy weight, as those who are obese suffer from more allergy attacks. We also replace foods that cause inflammation with anti-inflammatory options containing Vitamin C, bromine, and omega-3’s.

Food Allergies

Eating a wide variety of foods is vital for obtaining all of our fundamental vitamins and minerals. However, when individuals have food allergies that cut off major food groups, they eliminate essential nutrients. Those with common allergies such as nuts, soy, eggs, milk, and fish are at risk of developing these deficiencies. Our team is here to help you understand which nutrients you lack and give you recommendations on which foods or vitamins to supplement with to be wholly nourished. We also take a holistic look at our patients to see if they are experiencing conditions such as leaky gut or migraines, as these conditions can all link together.

The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP)

A typical nutritional plan we recommend to our patients with allergies is the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet. This regime aims to reduce inflammation to defeat allergen symptoms. This diet is also aimed to help those with migraines, leaky gut, IBD, arthritis, and other autoimmune disorders. AIP is broken down into multiple stages. First, we will eliminate certain foods and products that are known to cause flare-ups. Some examples are:

  • Grains
  • Nuts/Legumes/Seeds
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Eggs and Dairy
  • Nightshade Vegetables (such as tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers)

In the following stages, we slowly reintroduce each food back into your diet in a particular way. Here, we understand which foods may be aggravating you.

At Holistic Wholeness Institute we are eager to help you understand how you can use nutrition to advance your quality of life.

If you feel drained from having seasonal allergy flare-ups, looking for nutritional supplements for your food allergies, or seeking guidance for your Autoimmune Protocol Diet, please schedule a consultation with us! We are eager to help you understand how you can use nutrition to advance your quality of life.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are mental illnesses that influence one’s obsessive behavior with food and outward appearance. These physical and mental diseases are incredibly prevalent in America, with 28.8 million experiencing this illness in their lifetime. Eating disorders claim the highest mortality rate of any other mental illness. While eating disorders are associated with developing in young women, they can affect any gender, race, or age. The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.

Anorexia Nervosa

Our nutrition team at Holistic Wholeness Institute helps individuals with Anorexia Nervosa restore a healthy body weight

Anorexia Nervosa is the severe restriction of calories and overexercising to maintain a low body weight. Those suffering from this disease fear gaining weight and tend to think they are bigger than they are. Many with anorexia use the restriction of food to cope with emotional problems and external issues. Patients put constraints on their food as a sense of control. The mortality rate for this disease is 12 times higher than any other cause of death for females ages 18-24. Our nutrition team at Holistic Wholeness Institute helps individuals with this illness restore a healthy body weight. We teach individuals how to have a better and more neutral relationship with food through education on how nutrition affects the body.

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder where individuals binge eat after a period of restriction, followed by purging or another extended period of fasting. Binging means eating an excessive amount of food past the point of wanting to stop. Individuals with this illness may take laxatives and force themselves to throw up or overexercise to eliminate the calories consumed. Purging or taking laxatives is especially dangerous, as it can lead to dehydration, heart problems, and disrupt your reproductive system. Many patients with this disease can appear to be at a healthy weight, so it can be hard to spot. If you suspect a loved one to have Bulimia, look for things like dieting/fasting, not wanting to eat in front of others, or eating a large amount of food at once.

Treatment for eating disorders and getting back into a healthy relationship with food is possible! While each person’s treatment should be individualized based on their condition, methods typically involve a mix of nutrition counseling, psychotherapy, and having a sound support system. Our nutrition team at the Holistic Wholeness Institute is here to educate individuals on how they can work to a healthy weight, develop meal plans, and educate on how nutrition works with the body. If you or a loved one is experiencing an eating disorder and seeking nutritional counseling, please contact our office to set up an appointment with our team!

Treatment for eating disorders and getting back into a healthy relationship with food is possible!

Is Your Liver Functioning as it Should?

Your liver is a powerhouse when it comes to detoxifying your body.

The liver is responsible for metabolizing and breaking down various toxins and harmful substances that enter the body, including drugs, alcohol, and environmental pollutants. These toxins are processed into less harmful forms, making them easier for the body to eliminate.

The liver produces bile, a greenish fluid that helps in the digestion and absorption of dietary fats. Bile also acts as a vehicle for the excretion of certain waste products and toxins from the liver into the intestines, ultimately exiting the body through the feces.

The liver stores essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, which are vital for various biochemical processes. It releases these nutrients into the bloodstream as needed.

The liver filters blood from the digestive tract before it circulates throughout the body. This filtration process helps remove bacteria, toxins, and waste products that may be present in the blood after digestion.

The liver synthesizes glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals and protect cells from oxidative damage.

The liver stores glucose in the form of glycogen, which can be rapidly converted back into glucose when the body needs energy. This helps stabilize blood sugar levels and ensures a steady energy supply.

Supporting your liver function is essential to maintaining optimal health – as you can see by all the amazing things it does!

Contact our office to see if your liver is functioning as it should and learn ways to better support your body’s natural detoxification.

What are Functional Medicine Tests?

Our team at Holistic Wholeness Institute is trained in Functional Medicine, an area of medicine that looks for the root of the problem instead of masking the symptom with a pill.  Our experts specialize in looking at the whole person, not just a symptom.  During a comprehensive evaluation, our practitioners typically recommend thorough testing to find the underlying cause or contributing factors to your health issues.  

For example, some individuals suffer from fibromyalgia or migraines and this could be due to a hormonal problem or a heavy metal issue in the body.  Even life-threatening health issues like cancer can be in part due to environmental carcinogens that are present in the body.  Simply cutting out the tumor and killing the cancer does not get to the root of the cause.  Most Western physicians are taught to simply kill the cancer and not explore the in depth hormonal or environmental contributing factors.  

There are other individuals that have chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia that may actually have signs and symptoms of chronic Lyme disease.  While Western Medicine uses traditional tests to test for Lyme, the comprehensive panels we use are more thorough to look for Lyme related symptoms or exacerbating factors. Some individuals have an MTHFR mutation and have difficulty removing toxins from the body.  Our in-depth bioanalysis of specimens is more broad than traditional blood tests.  While our team is trained in analyzing blood tests, we look for optimal ranges of certain levels not normal ranges that are based off of the average person in a certain area.  

Meet Kathleen Gross: How Holistic Wellness Transformed Her Energy & Health Journey Beyond Medical Tests!

The average American is not optimally healthy and is on 4-6 or more prescription medications that often mask a symptom or are designed to keep someone alive, versus thriving.  The number of autoimmune issues in our country is outstanding and on the rise.  The gut is housed with both good and bad flora that can determine energy levels, feelings of wellness, and one’s immune system.  When the body attacks itself, as in most autoimmune conditions, the gut-immune connection is disrupted and must be addressed as the root cause of most disease and dysfunction.  Tests for SIBO, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, or food sensitivities are also commonly performed.  Intestinal hyperpermeability, or leaky gut, as well as nutritional deficiencies, are common tests that can help our practice members find the underlying issues to their symptoms.  Other individuals have been exposed to mold and these mycotoxins can cause a wide variety of health  issues.  These are just a few of the thousands of tests and measures we employ to comprehensively analyze an individual to achieve wellness, not managed sickness.  

Make an appointment today to see what’s causing or contributing to your health issues to get answers and a different approach to your health.  Book a FREE 15-minute Discovery Session with our team or call 732.813.1133 to learn more.

Disclaimer: Holistic Wholeness Institute uses wellness metrics that are not considered medically necessary or diagnostic by Western Physicians.  We use metrics and testing that cannot promise to diagnose, cure or treat any medical condition.  We use wellness metrics to look at chronic inflammation and contributing factors to these ailments to help address them naturally.  We conduct a bioanalysis of saliva, urine, hair, stool, or blood to understand wellness, not diagnose sickness.  Consult your physician before changing or stopping your medications.  Holistic Wholeness Institute is Integrative in that we are not against medicine, we are for an integrative, comprehensive approach to your health to help you feel your best, faster!

Functional Nutrition

The Holistic Wholeness Institute has a nutritional team that customizes a comprehensive nutrition program for each patient. We understand that there is no one-size-fits-all diet, so we work with each individual to deliver a tailor-made plan based on their medical conditions and health goals.

“Let Food Be Thy Medicine” – Hippocrates

The Holistic Wholeness Institute’s nutritional plans focus on clean eating and anti-inflammatory foods so patients can feel their best from the inside out. Unfortunately, as many of us have grown up on the Standard American Diet with sugary drinks and processed foods, we have become more prone to disease and harmful practices. According to the CDC, poor nutrition links to life-threatening chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, strokes, cancer, and brain dysfunction. However, we can put our health back into our own hands with the power of fueling our bodies with the right foods.

Our team is here to help guide you through:

  • Weight loss: By teaching and implementing healthy lifestyle habits, our team will help you lose weight for the long term. We don’t believe in fad diets or quick fixes. You will be equipped with the knowledge to maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your life. Slimming down is easy with sustainable practices.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Achievement: We touch on all of the pillars of health that go along with nutrition. Finding the equilibrium between good food, exercise, sleep, mindfulness, and community is vital to living a life where you can thrive.
  • Clean Eating, Living, and Detoxification: Leap into a regime that replaces processed foods and sugar with meals filled with anti-inflammatory foods to rid your body from built-up toxins.
  • Positive Mindset Training with Food: Food as fuel. Learn how to develop a healthy relationship with food with mindful habits!
  • Nutrition for Specialized Individuals:
    • Individuals with Fibromyalgia
    • Individuals with Cancer
    • Individuals who Suffer from Headaches and Migraines
    • Individuals with Leaky Gut
    • Individuals with Lyme Disease
    • Individuals with Thyroid Issues
    • Athletes
    • Heavy Metal Detoxification
    • Food Allergies
The Holistic Wholeness Institute’s nutritional plans focus on clean eating and anti-inflammatory foods so patients can feel their best from the inside out

Call us at 732.813.1133 or book an appointment to schedule a consultation with us today! We will dive deeper into your health and wellness goals, discuss any medical concerns, and go over a comprehensive plan to set you on track to help you feel great. Understand that the Holistic Wholeness Institute is not here for a quick fix but rather to set you up with wholesome practices that you can carry with you for the rest of your life.

In the meantime, check out our Clean Living Blog with tips on how you can live a healthy lifestyle. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Is Autoimmunity Causing Your Strange and Chronic Symptoms?

Autoimmune diseases are one of the most common illnesses today – and you might not even know you have one!

Autoimmunity is when your immune system starts attacking your own tissue, and it can happen anywhere in the body. Typically, it comes along with symptoms like inflammation, but sometimes it can be “silent” and not have any outward symptoms at all. Autoimmune disease is more common than cancer and heart disease combined, and that’s just the diagnosed cases. Many, if not most, cases of autoimmunity are happening without a diagnosis. This is because conventional medicine often does not screen for autoimmunity until symptoms are advanced and severe.

People can also have symptoms that suggest many types of autoimmunity. Although symptoms vary depending on which tissue is being attacked, many autoimmune sufferers experience:

  • chronic fatigue
  • chronic pain
  • declining brain function
  • gastrointestinal issues
  • hair loss
  • weight gain or weight loss
  • brain fog
  • and more!

Fortunately, functional medicine offers lab testing that can screen for autoimmunity against a number of different tissues. We also use strategies such as an anti-inflammatory diet, blood sugar stabilizing, gut healing, addressing toxins, and lifestyle habits that minimize stress and inflammation.

Ask our office if autoimmunity may be causing your strange and chronic symptoms – we can help!

Confused About the Difference Between Homeopathy and Functional Medicine?

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that believes in the principle of “like cures like.” It uses highly diluted substances (often natural) to stimulate the body’s self-healing processes. It’s gentle, individualized, and aims to treat the whole person, not just symptoms.

Functional Medicine, on the other hand, seeks to identify and address the root causes of health issues. It uses advanced testing and personalized treatments, often combining conventional and alternative approaches. It’s all about optimizing function and restoring balance.

While both have holistic goals, they differ in their methods and philosophies. Homeopathy is about stimulating the body’s vital force, while Functional Medicine focuses on personalized, evidence-based solutions.

Contact our office to start your functional medicine journey!

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