Year: 2022

Why is Vitamin C so Important?

“Oh you’re getting sick? Just take some vitamin C.”

I’m sure you’ve all heard or been told that at one point in your lives, but does anyone really know or understand why vitamin C is so important?

For one, yes, it supports immune function; it’s a protective antioxidant against damaging oxidative stress.

It also plays a significant role in collagen synthesis for connective tissues, bone, teeth and joints. Your body needs vitamin C to produce collagen a.k.a. hello youthful, radiant skin and goodbye achy muscles and joints.

It’s also known to improve the absorption of iron from plant-based foods–for all my vegetarians and vegans out there and also benefits skin health–I think you got the message by now.

Vitamin C is super important especially because it can’t be produced naturally in the body.

This makes it essential to get the vitamin through dietary sources.

Instead of reaching for the vitamin C packets or shots, focus on incorporating some of these vitamin C-rich, whole foods into your meals daily.

Vitamin C Sources

Save this post for later when you’re looking for ideas for your daily dose of vitamin C!

Our nutritional team at The Holistic Wholeness Institute is here to help you. Call our office today to set up an appointment.

How Much Water Should You Drink?

Are you drinking enough water in a day?

Drink About 1/2 Your Body Weight in Ounces (150lb = 75oz)

Gettin’ back to basics here — your body needs enough water every day for several reasons, especially as the weather gets warmer.

Water helps to:

  • regulate body temperature, bowel movements, healthy digestion
  • protect tissues, the spinal cord, and joints
  • rid the body of waste through urination, sweat, and bowel movements
Simple Ways to Increase Water Intake

Water regulates:

  • prevent dehydration and regulate body fluid balance
  • is needed for nutrient absorption of water-soluble vitamins A, D, E & K
Hydrating Foods

And so many other reasons…

Moral of the story: you need water and ENOUGH of it to best support your body.

So, ask yourself, “are you drinking enough for your needs?”

Save this post for helpful tips to increase your water intake throughout the day!

Our team at the Holistic Wholeness Institute is here to provide you with what you need to sustain your active body. Schedule a consultation with us today to get started on your nutrition plan!

Take Care of your Calcium Needs!

Calcium is the most abundant mineral found in the body, making up the structure of bones and teeth, and plays a role in muscle function, blood clotting, nerves and hormones.

A deficiency of calcium can lead to reduced bone strength with the possibility of developing fragile bones, bone softening and increased fracture risk.

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Why You Should Care About Magnesium

Magnesium is an important electrolyte that plays a part in several different processes in the body!

It’s needed for:

  • Insulin sensitivity – releases insulin, clears insulin, improves insulin resistance
  • Energy production
  • Good gut health
  • Supports Vitamin D status – you need magnesium to active and use Vitamin D
  • Important for recovery and sleep

Unfortunately it’s one of the first minerals to go when we’re under stress & I can imagine that’s the case for most of us!

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