Tagged: fibromyalgia

Nutrition for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a widespread yet misunderstood disease. Total-body aches and extreme fatigue are often misdiagnosed or disregarded since there is no specific test for this condition. Unfortunately, there is no pharmaceutical cure for Fibromyalgia at this time. However, proper nutrition, exercise, and healthy habits can help alleviate pain and improve the symptoms. Our nutrition team at Holistic Wholeness is here to discover which specific foods trigger inflammation and which foods give you the energy you need to keep up with your dynamic lifestyle. We use comprehensive testing to find food sensitivities and root causes of your specific inflammation. We will formulate your individualized diet plan to help ease these symptoms so you can enjoy life’s precious moments fully focused and pain-free. We also do comprehensive testing to get to the root cause of the problem, instead of masking the symptoms with synthetic drugs.

Individuals with Fibromyalgia should focus on a nutritional regimen with:

Energy Supporting Foods

One of the tell-tale signs of Fibromyalgia is severe exhaustion. Eat high-quality proteins that support sustained energy. This includes plants, organic eggs, chicken, lentils, fatty fish, nuts and seeds! In addition, ensure you are consuming a well-rounded diet filled with fruits and vegetables. Individuals with fibromyalgia may be used to eating foods high in sugar and drinking caffeine for energy, but these culprits result in crashes.

Avoid Gluten Products

Foods with gluten tend to make people feel sluggish and increase inflammation. This is the last thing those with Fibromyalgia want! When individuals avoid gluten, they also tend to cut out a significant amount of the processed foods that aggravate symptoms. This study examined non-celiac subjects whose pain significantly improved when following a gluten-free diet. Try switching unhealthy processed foods with anti-inflammatory foods such as green leafy veggies or a serving of nuts.

Consider Avoiding Foods High in FODMAPs

FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. These hard-to-digest foods are typically found in additives but can also naturally occur! Some of the foods high in FODMAPs include cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli and cauliflower), dairy, high-fructose corn syrup, and wheat. When you connect with our team at Holistic Wholeness, we will work with you to understand which foods trigger your inflammation. Then, we will introduce certain foods back to your regimen so you can still enjoy tasty meals without experiencing body aches or mental fog.

Fibromyalgia symptoms can be improved when following an overall healthy lifestyle, especially when you emphasize healthy nutrition and exercise. Our nutritional team at Holistic Wholeness is here to help you curate the precise plan for you to help relieve your symptoms to get you back to living a pain-free and active lifestyle again. Call our office today to set up an appointment if you are experiencing these symptoms. We will discuss your unique needs and concerns before going over your comprehensive nutritional plan.

Functional Nutrition for Leaky Gut

Your chronic stomach issues, bloating, mental fogginess, and skin issues are not normal! Leaky gut or intestinal permeability is a newly researched condition that doctors often look over. Unfortunately, this syndrome is precisely how its name describes it: the intestinal lining has cracks and large holes, letting bacteria and other toxins into our gut, causing inflammation, fibromyalgia, mental health problems, and arthritis.

Our Holistic Wholeness Nutritional Team will uncover what is causing inflammation and disruption of gut flora.

What causes a leaky gut? Researchers believe that leaky gut is induced by our Standard American Diet (SAD). The greasy meats, processed sugars, and heavy fats inflame the gut causing this disruption. In addition, other factors are reported to disrupt our intestinal linings, such as heavy alcohol use and genetics. Those who have undergone radiation or chemotherapy in the past can also be prone to this condition.

Our Holistic Wholeness Nutritional Team will uncover what is causing this inflammation and disruption of gut flora. We will then reintroduce foods back into your system to see what exactly is triggering your leaky gut. Each person is different in terms of which foods bother them, but the most common foods that cause intestinal permeability are:

  • Gluten Products: Bread, pasta, baked goods, oats, barley, rye, cereal
  • Alcohol Products: Leaky gut is very common in those who drink excessive amounts of alcohol. Patients should replace their evening beverages with flavored water or low sugar kombucha.
  • Processed and Cured Meats: Bacon, deli meat, hot dogs, and fast food meats are culprits of inflammation in the body.
  • Dairy Products: Milk, ice cream, cheese, and yogurt react poorly with many individuals gut bacteria
  • Processed Foods: Chips, sweets, fast foods, sugary drinks/ juices, sauces, and salad dressings are just a few of the many processed foods available to us today. However, you don’t have to give up your favorite foods completely! There are many healthy alternatives to your favorite foods, such as healthy banana pancakes and air-fried potato chips!
  • Refined Oils: These are the oils that have been treated with chemicals such as acid or have been bleached. Examples of these oils include vegetable, canola, peanut, and soybean. Instead, opt for cooking with extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil!

When your diet is clean, you will start to see an improved quality of life. Our team will work with you beyond your nutritional needs to get your body back to normal. We conduct functional testing which helps identify the things causing your leaky gut. We will evaluate other health factors, such as stress, sleep, and exercise, to help determine these issues’ root cause. Schedule a consultation with us today to get started on your path to a healthy gut again!

What are Functional Medicine Tests?

Our team at Holistic Wholeness Institute is trained in Functional Medicine, an area of medicine that looks for the root of the problem instead of masking the symptom with a pill.  Our experts specialize in looking at the whole person, not just a symptom.  During a comprehensive evaluation, our practitioners typically recommend thorough testing to find the underlying cause or contributing factors to your health issues.  

For example, some individuals suffer from fibromyalgia or migraines and this could be due to a hormonal problem or a heavy metal issue in the body.  Even life-threatening health issues like cancer can be in part due to environmental carcinogens that are present in the body.  Simply cutting out the tumor and killing the cancer does not get to the root of the cause.  Most Western physicians are taught to simply kill the cancer and not explore the in depth hormonal or environmental contributing factors.  

There are other individuals that have chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia that may actually have signs and symptoms of chronic Lyme disease.  While Western Medicine uses traditional tests to test for Lyme, the comprehensive panels we use are more thorough to look for Lyme related symptoms or exacerbating factors. Some individuals have an MTHFR mutation and have difficulty removing toxins from the body.  Our in-depth bioanalysis of specimens is more broad than traditional blood tests.  While our team is trained in analyzing blood tests, we look for optimal ranges of certain levels not normal ranges that are based off of the average person in a certain area.  

Meet Kathleen Gross: How Holistic Wellness Transformed Her Energy & Health Journey Beyond Medical Tests!

The average American is not optimally healthy and is on 4-6 or more prescription medications that often mask a symptom or are designed to keep someone alive, versus thriving.  The number of autoimmune issues in our country is outstanding and on the rise.  The gut is housed with both good and bad flora that can determine energy levels, feelings of wellness, and one’s immune system.  When the body attacks itself, as in most autoimmune conditions, the gut-immune connection is disrupted and must be addressed as the root cause of most disease and dysfunction.  Tests for SIBO, small intestine bacterial overgrowth, or food sensitivities are also commonly performed.  Intestinal hyperpermeability, or leaky gut, as well as nutritional deficiencies, are common tests that can help our practice members find the underlying issues to their symptoms.  Other individuals have been exposed to mold and these mycotoxins can cause a wide variety of health  issues.  These are just a few of the thousands of tests and measures we employ to comprehensively analyze an individual to achieve wellness, not managed sickness.  

Make an appointment today to see what’s causing or contributing to your health issues to get answers and a different approach to your health.  Book a FREE 15-minute Discovery Session with our team or call 732.813.1133 to learn more.

Disclaimer: Holistic Wholeness Institute uses wellness metrics that are not considered medically necessary or diagnostic by Western Physicians.  We use metrics and testing that cannot promise to diagnose, cure or treat any medical condition.  We use wellness metrics to look at chronic inflammation and contributing factors to these ailments to help address them naturally.  We conduct a bioanalysis of saliva, urine, hair, stool, or blood to understand wellness, not diagnose sickness.  Consult your physician before changing or stopping your medications.  Holistic Wholeness Institute is Integrative in that we are not against medicine, we are for an integrative, comprehensive approach to your health to help you feel your best, faster!

Green Tea Matcha Latte

Matcha is powdered green tea. You can also consume green tea by using a tea bag in hot water for a similar effect. Green tea and matcha are powerful antioxidants. They’re a great way to wean off acidic coffee if you’re like most Americans that drink too much. It’s anti-cancer and fantastic for Lyme disease.  Green tea can help fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome as it’s energizing but not anxiety-inducing. Some individuals are recommended to have 1-3 cups per day, some can’t handle any caffeine at all due to anxiety or reflux.  If you have trouble sleeping, avoid caffeine after 12pm or all together.  Talk to our team to see if this superfood is right for you.


What is ozone? It’s basically super-powered oxygen. It converts oxygen into an unstable form that creates peroxides. We know hydrogen peroxide kills germs, well so does ozone! Ozone should not be directly inhaled in a nasal canniculi, just like peroxide should not be swallowed. Ozone can be performed by intravenous methods at a doctor’s office or at home with other means.  There are ways to put limbs and body parts in ozonated bags or cups.  You can also expose the tympanic membrane of the ear (external ear) to fight colds and infections as well as types of cancers.  It can improve energy levels and reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Epstein-Barr Virus, and much more. It’s great rectally or vaginally for an at-home alternative to the intravenous methods. It is up to 80% as effective as an IV when done rectally.  This is a cost-effective way to do it easily in your home. Talk to our team about if ozone is right for you and the safest way to start.

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