Tagged: Epstein-Barr


What is ozone? It’s basically super-powered oxygen. It converts oxygen into an unstable form that creates peroxides. We know hydrogen peroxide kills germs, well so does ozone! Ozone should not be directly inhaled in a nasal canniculi, just like peroxide should not be swallowed. Ozone can be performed by intravenous methods at a doctor’s office or at home with other means.  There are ways to put limbs and body parts in ozonated bags or cups.  You can also expose the tympanic membrane of the ear (external ear) to fight colds and infections as well as types of cancers.  It can improve energy levels and reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Epstein-Barr Virus, and much more. It’s great rectally or vaginally for an at-home alternative to the intravenous methods. It is up to 80% as effective as an IV when done rectally.  This is a cost-effective way to do it easily in your home. Talk to our team about if ozone is right for you and the safest way to start.

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