
Sprouts are a super food that's rich in vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants. They’re easily digested and packed with protein.  Sprouts help fight cancer and are very energizing.

Sprouts are an amazing adjunct to any diet. They are a super food that’s rich in vitamins, enzymes, life, and antioxidants. They’re easily digested and packed with protein.  Sprouts help fight cancer and are very energizing. Try them on sandwiches, salads, or as a garnish to soups.  They are flavorful and fun! Sprouts help with chelation, which is removal of toxins from the body. Cleaning our body is important as it gets dirty, just like our house does!

Talk to our team about the right sprouts for you as some contain lectins which can be hard to break down for some people. Book a consultation today to learn more.

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