Nutrition for Athletes

Our Nutritional Team at Holistic Wholeness can help you understand which foods to prioritize and what times of day to eat them to perform at your best.

As an athlete, you will do whatever it takes to perform your best. You excel because you do what others don’t. Going the extra mile in your nutrition can get you that one sliver of advantage amongst your competition. Sports nutrition can be confusing- especially with all of the fad diets out there! Athletes should prioritize a balanced diet that includes a proportional amount of macronutrients and micronutrients. When you work with our Nutritional Team at Holistic Wholeness, we help you understand which foods to prioritize and what times of day to eat them to perform at your best.

Our nutritional plans for athletes center around determining your:

Macro Nutrients

Our team at the Holistic Wholeness Institute will help you determine how much proteins, carbs, and fats you need as an individual to improve at your sport.

Protein: As an athlete, it’s common to hear about emphasizing protein in your meals. This is because proteins are the building blocks of muscle tissue. When you work out, you create tiny tears in your muscles. By consuming protein, you are aiding in the recovery and growth of the tissue. It is essential to know how much protein to have for each individual because if you overeat this macronutrient, it can have adverse effects on your health. Foods in this category include lean meats, fish, legumes, nuts, seeds, and eggs.

Carbs: Carbs may be recommended as an athlete’s most significant source of calories because they provide you with sufficient energy. This macronutrient can be the gas tank to fuel your exercise. We will focus on two types of carbs: simple and complex. One should eat simple carbs such as fruit or brown rice cakes before or after their training sessions for quick energy. Complex carbs such as yams, quinoa, whole grains, and oatmeal can be eaten with meals and snacks for energy to sustain you throughout your day.

Fats: Fats are the third macronutrient that is vital for your energy. Consuming fats keep you full for long periods, protects your organs, and supports cell growth. It is recommended for athletes to have 20-35% of their daily caloric needs be fats. Foods that contain healthy fats are avocados, eggs, oily fish, and unrefined oils. Be sure to steer clear of trans fats and heavily saturated fats!

Nutrient Timing

Pre Workout Nutrition
You will need proper nourishment to give your all in your training sessions. Protein and carbs are key to keep you full and provide you with energy. It’s recommended to eat 1-3 hours before your workouts so you can properly digest your food. An almond-butter banana sandwich, oatmeal, or chocolate chip energy bites may be great options for fueling your engine!

Post Workout Nutrition
Within an hour after your workout, you will need to prioritize simple carbs and proteins. It is imperative to eat simple carbs because they digest quickly and supply your body with immediate energy. In addition, the protein you eat will repair the muscle you tore in your training. A delicious post-workout snack could be a smoothie with plant-based protein powder, bananas, and berries! Top it off with some homemade protein granola for crunch!

There is a famous quote, “You can’t out-train a bad diet!” But understanding what, when, and how much to eat will give you that competitive edge you need for your sport! Our team at the Holistic Wholeness Institute is here to provide you with what you need to sustain your active body. Schedule a consultation with us today to get started on your nutrition plan as an athlete!

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