Unlocking the Power of Squats: The Whole-Body Workout Wonder!

Why are squats so important?

For those who’ve just started or have been regularly exercising, you may be wondering why everyone is so hyped up about squats. Different social media personalities swear by only some specific moves, while others find benefit in performing a million different exercises per workout. There’s isn’t one right answer! What you want to aim for is an even-keeled exercise plan that addresses primary areas of the body.

Squats primarily stimulate lower body growth, but also warrant a growth response from the entire body (it requires several muscle groups to go up and down, especially if you’re using weights).

Squats require mental focus as well as physical effort. It’s a whole-body experience that benefits different muscle groups, encourages cognitive function, and promotes mind-body coordination to successfully execute.

If you’re wondering what exercise is right for you, or want to branch out into more difficult routines, contact our office. We can help you determine if your health is ready for more strenuous exercise and strategize the best course of action for your unique needs.

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