Bone broth is well known for its gut health benefits. Bone broth is different from soup stock because of the time that’s spent simmering. The longer the bones and vegetables are allowed to cook, the more nutrients and minerals are pulled from them. Some of the great ways that bone broth benefits your body include: […]
Clean Living Blog
Why is Vitamin D so Important?
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that supports a number of critical physiological functions in the body. These are just a few of the key processes vitamin D help support. It’s arguably one of the most important vitamins for whole-body health, though most people don’t get enough of it. In fact, 29% of U.S. adults […]
Unlocking the Power of Squats: The Whole-Body Workout Wonder!
For those who’ve just started or have been regularly exercising, you may be wondering why everyone is so hyped up about squats. Different social media personalities swear by only some specific moves, while others find benefit in performing a million different exercises per workout. There’s isn’t one right answer! What you want to aim for […]
Age with Grace: Empowering Tips to Embrace Natural Aging and Thrive!
We can prepare our bodies for natural aging in empowering, healthy ways. If you’re wondering how health and wellness may look different as you advance in age, here are some tips to help you stay proactive: By protecting and preparing your body for the inevitable, you may find that later years are some of the […]
Understanding Adrenal Fatigue
Adrenal fatigue is a term used to describe a group of symptoms that occur when the adrenal glands are unable to keep up with the demands of ongoing stress. Symptoms of adrenal fatigue can include: While conventional medicine may not recognize adrenal fatigue as a medical condition, functional medicine takes a more holistic approach and […]
What are antioxidants?
When people hear the word “free radicals,” they often associate them with harmful substances that damage our bodies. However, there are certain compounds known as antioxidants that play a crucial role in promoting overall health! Antioxidants are substances that help protect our cells from oxidative stress and support various bodily functions. You can find antioxidants […]
Dr. Nancy’s Favorite Green Juice
Green juice is simply vegetable juice made from green vegetables. Mix it with carrots or a little fruit to cut the green flavor. Lemons are a great way to remove excess green taste as it can be unpalatable initially for some to drink vegetables instead of eat them. It is incredibly energizing to start your […]
Green Tea Matcha Latte
Matcha is powdered green tea. You can also consume green tea by using a tea bag in hot water for a similar effect. Green tea and matcha are powerful antioxidants. They’re a great way to wean off acidic coffee if you’re like most Americans that drink too much. It’s anti-cancer and fantastic for Lyme disease. […]
Sprouts are an amazing adjunct to any diet. They are a super food that’s rich in vitamins, enzymes, life, and antioxidants. They’re easily digested and packed with protein. Sprouts help fight cancer and are very energizing. Try them on sandwiches, salads, or as a garnish to soups. They are flavorful and fun! Sprouts help with […]
Hormone Health
Hormone health is crucial to overall health. Hormones control everything. Avoiding plastics is very important as these reach hormone havoc on the body. They cause the body in men, women and children to up-regulate estrogen receptors. This promotes growth of tissues: fatty tissue, tumors, cysts, fibroids and more. Use glass bottles and containers. Avoid microwaving […]
Lemons – A Life Line for Your Health
Lemons are a great part of most healthy lifestyles. They help you to drink more water, help you to avoid retaining water, and help with digestion. They help the gall bladder do its job to break down proteins, fats, and remove toxins! If you don’t have a gall bladder, lemons are a great adjunct for […]
What is ozone? It’s basically super-powered oxygen. It converts oxygen into an unstable form that creates peroxides. We know hydrogen peroxide kills germs, well so does ozone! Ozone should not be directly inhaled in a nasal canniculi, just like peroxide should not be swallowed. Ozone can be performed by intravenous methods at a doctor’s office […]
Grounding is the process of making contact with the earth’s electrical energy. You can consider it like “charging up” your body the way you use electricity to charge your phone. Getting barefoot is the best way to ground yourself. Check out for grounding blankets and mats you can use when indoors to ground yourself […]
Functional Medicine Labs – How are they Different?
Functional medicine labs are very different than traditional ones. Insurance doesn’t feel the thoroughness functional medicine providers give is medically necessary, but we know it is! Spending time with you is critical and thorough investigations with more comprehensive testing is crucial to you having success to your complex issues. More in-depth analyses are performed with […]
Why is Vitamin C so Important?
“Oh you’re getting sick? Just take some vitamin C.” I’m sure you’ve all heard or been told that at one point in your lives, but does anyone really know or understand why vitamin C is so important? For one, yes, it supports immune function; it’s a protective antioxidant against damaging oxidative stress. It also plays […]
How Much Water Should You Drink?
Are you drinking enough water in a day? Gettin’ back to basics here — your body needs enough water every day for several reasons, especially as the weather gets warmer. Water helps to: regulate body temperature, bowel movements, healthy digestion protect tissues, the spinal cord, and joints rid the body of waste through urination, sweat, […]
Take Care of your Calcium Needs!
Calcium is the most abundant mineral found in the body, making up the structure of bones and teeth, and plays a role in muscle function, blood clotting, nerves and hormones. A deficiency of calcium can lead to reduced bone strength with the possibility of developing fragile bones, bone softening and increased fracture risk.
4 Digestion-Improving Hacks That Have Nothing to do with Food
Your gut health is more than just a result of the foods being consumed on a daily basis! Our gut health is heavily influenced by environment & lifestyle as well. How many hours of sleep do you get per night? Do you prioritize stress-relieving activities? Are you participating in regular physical activity?