Nutrition for Cancer

Proper nutrition during cancer treatment is vital for retaining strength and energy. Trying your best to fuel your body with nutrient-dense foods can help ease the effects of treatment and fight infection. However, your diet regimen might look different before, during, and after treatment, and you may have varying appetite levels. Our team here at […]

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Functional Nutrition for Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease is one of the most common vector-borne diseases in our country. Around 300,000 individuals are diagnosed with Lyme Disease each year in the United States alone! This chronic disease is transferred by infected black-legged ticks carrying the bacteria Borrelia mayonii. If caught early, Lyme Disease may respond with oral antibiotics. However, those who […]

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Fiber: The Unsung Hero of our Diets!

Let’s give a shout-out to fiber, the unsung hero of our diets! Here are some ways it helps your body thrive: Remember to include plenty of fiber-rich foods in your diet like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Get in touch with our team for a comprehensive nutrition plan that ensures your gut is happy […]

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Nutrition for Athletes

As an athlete, you will do whatever it takes to perform your best. You excel because you do what others don’t. Going the extra mile in your nutrition can get you that one sliver of advantage amongst your competition. Sports nutrition can be confusing- especially with all of the fad diets out there! Athletes should […]

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Functional Nutrition for Leaky Gut

Your chronic stomach issues, bloating, mental fogginess, and skin issues are not normal! Leaky gut or intestinal permeability is a newly researched condition that doctors often look over. Unfortunately, this syndrome is precisely how its name describes it: the intestinal lining has cracks and large holes, letting bacteria and other toxins into our gut, causing […]

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Functional Nutrition for Allergies

Allergies are a common condition that can have a variety of side effects depending on the person. The reaction occurs when your body responds to a foreign substance that it doesn’t know how to handle. It releases antibodies to fight this substance which causes you to react. There is a wide range of allergies, such […]

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Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are mental illnesses that influence one’s obsessive behavior with food and outward appearance. These physical and mental diseases are incredibly prevalent in America, with 28.8 million experiencing this illness in their lifetime. Eating disorders claim the highest mortality rate of any other mental illness. While eating disorders are associated with developing in young women, […]

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Is Your Liver Functioning as it Should?

Your liver is a powerhouse when it comes to detoxifying your body. The liver is responsible for metabolizing and breaking down various toxins and harmful substances that enter the body, including drugs, alcohol, and environmental pollutants. These toxins are processed into less harmful forms, making them easier for the body to eliminate. The liver produces […]

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What are Functional Medicine Tests?

Our team at is trained in Functional Medicine, an area of medicine that looks for the root of the problem instead of masking the symptom with a pill.  Our experts specialize in looking at the whole person, not just a symptom.  During a comprehensive evaluation, our practitioners typically recommend thorough testing to find the underlying […]

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Functional Nutrition

The Holistic Wholeness Institute has a nutritional team that customizes a comprehensive nutrition program for each patient. We understand that there is no one-size-fits-all diet, so we work with each individual to deliver a tailor-made plan based on their medical conditions and health goals. “Let Food Be Thy Medicine” – Hippocrates The Holistic Wholeness Institute’s […]

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