Why is Vitamin C so Important?

“Oh you’re getting sick? Just take some vitamin C.” I’m sure you’ve all heard or been told that at one point in your lives, but does anyone really know or understand why vitamin C is so important? For one, yes, it supports immune function; it’s a protective antioxidant against damaging oxidative stress. It also plays […]

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How Much Water Should You Drink?

Are you drinking enough water in a day? Gettin’ back to basics here — your body needs enough water every day for several reasons, especially as the weather gets warmer. Water helps to: regulate body temperature, bowel movements, healthy digestion protect tissues, the spinal cord, and joints rid the body of waste through urination, sweat, […]

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Take Care of your Calcium Needs!

Calcium is the most abundant mineral found in the body, making up the structure of bones and teeth, and plays a role in muscle function, blood clotting, nerves and hormones. A deficiency of calcium can lead to reduced bone strength with the possibility of developing fragile bones, bone softening and increased fracture risk.

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Why You Should Care About Magnesium

Magnesium is an important electrolyte that plays a part in several different processes in the body! It’s needed for: Insulin sensitivity – releases insulin, clears insulin, improves insulin resistance Energy production Good gut health Supports Vitamin D status – you need magnesium to active and use Vitamin D Important for recovery and sleep Unfortunately it’s […]

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